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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Likewise, I'm sure.

The following are exerpts from a Facebook status exchange.

Original Status: "Ok, I want to apologize for my lack of interest in getting close to many of you..."

Someones comment: "Sometimes we have just enough energy to get through what we must, and no more."
Original posters response:  "...i have plenty of energy. Just no interest..."  

God how I love Facebookland sometimes!  The original status was touching on issues of trust and friendship, etc. so there is more to it all than what is above.  But I love the whole thing about "I'm just not interested in getting to know you."  The lady has balls, alright.  I so wanted to add the comment:  "That's okay, I'm not really interested either.  ;-)"  The winky face is to cue others in on the fact that IT'S A JOKE, but knowing the audience I figured people wouldn't get it and think I was being mean to their beloved leader.   I'd like to think that she would get it, but ya' never know.  Perhaps it's just another case of "I crack myself up!".  At least I think I'm funny.

We are not amused.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Have a Nice Day?

Okay, since when did "have a nice day" start meaning something else?  I've noticed recently that people use that phrase to mean "$cr{w you!"  or  "pi$$ off"  or  "You're an idiot and I'm not."  A disagreement ensues, people argue their side and when others don't agree....more often than not they will end a paragraph or conversation "You have a nice day" said with a wrinkled nose.  Up is down.  Left is right.  Nice is not.

Have a HAPPY day, remember that one??