I know people who think going on Facebook is stupid; and Renaissance Faires are ridiculous; and Letterboxing is childish; and dancing is a waste of time; and anything Science Fiction should be dumped in the trash; and no one looks good in orange; and short hair on women is unattractive; and computer games are for idiots; and art is boring. In other words, they look down on me because I enjoy those things.
I have my own list of "those are stupid (or pointless or boring)" things that other people like to do. And for the most part, I keep my lip zipped on my judgemental opinion around them BECAUSE I know they enjoy it and BECAUSE I know what feels like to be sneered at for liking something.
So before you get all self righteous about a new craze and share snarky memes, ask yourself....what is YOUR Pokeman GO?
We all have a "thing", even if it isn't Pikachu.