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Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I carved a stamp for my sister recently. She wants to get into lbing after I introduced her to it in Hawaii. I told her I'd carve her a siggy stamp, what did she want? She said OH how about the two of us in the ocean? (We managed to play in the waves a little, we were horribly goofy and amused ourselves silly.) I bravely said sure, the two of us in the ocean. Inside, I was thinking how on earth am I going to do that? The majority of my carves are not my own artwork, I find it on line...clipart and the like. Uh oh, gotta be creative. I found a clipart of a woman surfing. A little bit of editing, a little bit of adding, a little bit of reversing and dang if I didn't end up with a cute little stamp! I am pleased, it turned out better than I hoped and I am more proud of it because it wasn't just "gouge by number" (don't get me wrong, I love carving that way, much pretty stamps.) At this point, only three of my planted boxes are my own "artwork", five are a combo of techniques and the rest are images I've found.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Today's the Day

Seems like today's the day I get picked at. Snarky remarks here, insensitivity there. Days like these make me rethink the "internet" thing. I love it for research and gathering information, but I really don't need the poopy attitudes from people I don't know or even the people I do. I have learned that most message boards, chat groups etc. are dominated by people who think it their RIGHT to tell you their opinion. What about my RIGHT to not have to listen to them?
Old saying: Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.
My addition: And just because you HAVE one doesn't mean everyone wants to see it.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Stooopid question

Yes, I do believe there is no such thing as a stupid question as long as it is a sincere attempt to gain new information or insight. But sometimes...sometimes people ask stoooopid questions. As in, why do research if you can just ask everyone else? Exaggerated example: Person asking everyone around "Where is the exit? Where is the exit?" just to get people to engage with them, because if they just looked around they would notice the sign that says EXIT with an arrow pointing the way out. I think people either get lazy and just want people to tell them every little thing or people feign a helplessness to get attention. I find both to wear thin very fast.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Big Brother

My brother is stopping by for two days before he and his wife fly back to Germany. When I saw them a week or so ago in Hawaii for our little family reunion (his daughter now lives there) I had to let them in on my new hobby. Not surprising, he found it interesting at first. But when I hunted down my first out-of-state box he didn't participate and just sat on a bench (fairly far away) with his wife. I guess it just seemed silly to them. My sister however was VERY interested and went on two more hunts with me before we left. Back to present, big brother and wife are wanting to go to the outlet mall in Vacaville (I've already been in that area), I have now suggested Petaluma because it would be a nicer drive, etc. Part of me thought, hey I could check out boxes in the area! But I have discovered, gosh I don't like sharing something I enjoy with people who don't seem to enjoy it. Takes all the fun out of it. Part of me also wonders, if my brother would actually get a kick out of it. He's a big goof, like me and my sister. Oh well, guess I'll never know.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Versa-annary

We have been married 19 years today. Through hell and high water. Through ADD and CFIDS. Through hives and cancer. Whew... Not much exciting today though. Had dr. appointments, went to lunch, re-planted a missing letterbox, filled rx and now am hiding in the house because I'm just too tired to deal with trick or treaters (though we bought candy just in case). Newest "interesting" thing about me...may have sleep apnea or hypopopnia. Oh I also have anosmia ever since I had the flu, I just didn't know it had a name. My doc thinks that is the silliest name for not being able to smell odors. I said it might as well as been called Nosmellum. Yay, more health issues... (said in a monotone.)

Friday, October 16, 2009

A New Chapter

I've been through many chapters in my life. The latest chapter is ending soon, I am "abdicating" the throne as Mary, Queen of Scots with a small faire circuit guild. For seven years I've played that role and this is the year it ends. To commemorate this, I planted a Letterbox (a new hobby to embark on!) with some friends who work the circuit. They travel to many different events and unbeknownst (I can't hear that word and not think of Jeff Conway from Celebrity Rehab.) to me, they are 'boxers, too. Small world, eh? So, I'm not a "blogger", but I figured I should try something new every now and again. Never know unless you try...