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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Today's the Day

Seems like today's the day I get picked at. Snarky remarks here, insensitivity there. Days like these make me rethink the "internet" thing. I love it for research and gathering information, but I really don't need the poopy attitudes from people I don't know or even the people I do. I have learned that most message boards, chat groups etc. are dominated by people who think it their RIGHT to tell you their opinion. What about my RIGHT to not have to listen to them?
Old saying: Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.
My addition: And just because you HAVE one doesn't mean everyone wants to see it.


  1. I'm sorry you're not feeling the love. I hope things turn around for you. IMHO, you're wonderful! :)

  2. How funny, I didn't even know I had a comment (I haven't been back until today).
    Thanks for the nice words, you are so sweet!

