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Monday, December 6, 2010

Music to My Ears

I like music...who doesn't like music?  I don't like ALL music, there is a lot that I am indifferent to.  The snarky me always kind of smirked when movies (or TV shows) would show someone who went to the opera and the music made them cry (think Pretty Woman).  I thought it was a ploy or an affectation to show how cultured they were inside.  Blahditty blah blah. 
Now for the "My Bad" moment.  The song is the Hallelujah Chorus.  I've heard it many, many times before.  I've even sung quietly during a sing-a-long version.  I'm not a religious person, but it's a lovely song and I always enjoy hearing it.  The other day, a friend sends me a link to a YouTube video of a flash mob who sang the whole thing in the food court at a mall.  I like watching flash mobs when done well.  Well, I'm grinning along with the audience as person after person stands up and joins in.  I'll be damned (oops, guess I shouldn't use that phrase)...I'll be gobsmacked if when the ladies went into the high notes in the middle of the song that my eyes welled up and I had tears running down my face.  WHAT?  What was that?!  What just happened?!  Why am I crying?!  It's not like I had never heard the song before.  I wasn't even there live.  It was as if a certain note or tone had triggered the "cry over beautiful music" center of my brain.  Fortunately, I was by myself watching YouTube so I just let it flow and afterwards mopped up my tears and had a good laugh at myself.  Lesson learned, thankyouverymuch!
If you're curious:

'tis the season.

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