I planted a letterbox in Hawaii a couple of years ago, in a very urban, busy, indoor location. I didn't expect it to last long. I had such a wonderful time that trip, I got to see my brother and his family for the first time in 10 years (they live in Germany) I got to meet my very first great-niece and see my niece (her husband was stationed there) being a fantastic mother. I went with my sister who I hadn't gone on a trip with in a million years, and we got along the WHOLE time. Plus.... I was in Hawaii! So, this box has a little bit of a special meaning to me. I didn't expect it to be visited so much, to the point I was getting notes saying the log book was getting full. My niece has since moved on to Georgia, so I couldn't ask her to help out. I figured why not just ask a fellow boxer who lives in the city and who has found the box already. I contacted Morgan Family Hunters introducing myself and asking if they would send me the box, then replace it when I send it back. SMACK! I ran right into a Nice Person. Not only was she happy to help out, she told me what that box means to them. Oh, the warm fuzzies peeked out of my bitter heart. Quick as a flash she sent it to me with a lovely, lovely note and a package of chocolate covered macadamia nuts. Don't get me wrong, the candy was a sweet touch, but the note was better. It reminded me that Yes, Virginia, There is Such a Thing as Nice People. Lookee, warm fuzzies exploding all over! I'm almost finished with the box and I will send it back to her and it will once again be in place. But no sweet treat I send back to her can compete with the gentle uplift she has given me...simply by being nice.
There are even fuzzies in my navel.
Aren't Warm Fuzzies and Random Acts of Kindness the best?!?