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Sunday, August 22, 2010

How Special!

"Behind the prickly exterior lies a true gem." 
"I'm really not a nasty person and really try to go out of my way not to harm people but ..."
"She's really a nice person once you get to know her!"

All three of these quotes are real.  All three refer to different people.  And in each case the person in question is...well, questionable.  What they present to the world is not pleasant, kind or nice.  And yet (here it comes, drumroll please!) why is everyone else supposed to make allowances for them?  What makes them soooo special that the rest of the world has to work to get on their good side?  My answer is simply "ego".  They each have an ego that would fill up the Cow Palace (local reference here, Google it if you are interested.  If not just trust that it is a really big place.  They didn't call it a Palace for nothing.)  I am getting really tired of this type of personality who thinks it is okay to treat people like crap.  And shame on the other people feed into it and justify their idol's abusive behavior.  There, I said it!  Yes, abusive behavior.  You are not are the dreaded Narcissistic Personality Disorder.  Get over yourself already.

If you meet this type of person, run (don't walk) in the other direction.

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