What is happening here? Have I crossed over into the twilight zone? Do I resemble foie gras? Here was the scenario:
1. Pre-existing drama in group A.
2. Poor parenting guidance in group A.
3. Repeat of bad behavior of a minor in group A.
4. Request from group B to correct this.
5. Group A's dysfunctional communication cause misinformation.
6. Clash occurs between members of group A and group B.
7. Apparently, I am the only voice of reason on the whole block, but no one will stfu long enough to listen.
I stood between someone who's position was to keep asking a loaded question and someone who position was of the excluded middle. I mean that literally, I physically stood between them as they repeated the same arguments at each other. My repeated phrase was "stop", "STOP", "STOP!". But no one listened. I knew which direction to go in to solve this thing and it was as if I were invisible. When I was finally able to get a word in, I pulled out the facts. The series of events that took place. The ultimate goal was to stop the kid from throwing rocks. In the end, its was resolved peacefully between the two arguing adults. All's well that ends well?
Not quite.
The fall out was that an 8 year old boy was reduced to tears and I was left with the disturbing feeling that I am inconsequential.
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