So, I'm not always the most social person. A lot of time if I have nothing interesting to say, I just stay quiet and this is a trait that has bothered people all my life. Because, as we know, people like to comment. As a kid, I never knew what to say to these personal observances. As an adult, I still don't know what to say.
"You sure are quiet!" (what do I say to that? okay?)
"You sure don't say much." (I could agree conditionally, because sometime I yammer on and on. All depends on the person, the subject, the situation, etc.)
"Well, no one can complain that you talk too much." (said by an older boy when I was a pre-teen. Was that a criticism or a compliment?)
We arrive at today. I have been trying to reconnect through FB with some family members that I stopped having regular contact with. I invited them to play some fun word games that we could take our turns at leisure and there is a chat window to...well, chat. All is well and good I thought. sigh. Predictably, since it's summer people have been out and about on vacations and so there are longer waits between turns. No big deal. But this is the little zinger I get this morning:
Relative One: sorry to take so long, hopefully (Relative Two) told you I was camping and out of service
Me: no, I didn't know
Relative Two: Hi there! Nice to have you back (Relative Two)! I didn't really think to chat while you were gone. Sorry
Wait, what? "Didn't think to chat while you were gone." Seriously? Seriously?? Wow. Okay. What do I say to that?
Sarcasm: Sorry I'm not worthy of your conversation.
Guilt-trip: I'm not so good with chatting lately, things have been kind of rough. I'm a little down I guess.
Deflect with humor: Is this thing on? taptaptap
Passive Aggressive: Welcome back, chatting just isn't fun without you.
Martyr: I know I'm boring.
Honesty: ouch...
Okay, Here is the wrap up and the ultimate question. You can't control what other people say or do. I get that, I accept that. You can only control what you do. Yep, got it, accept it. But how do you make yourself not care? I can let it roll off my shoulders, I can control the impulse to lash out. I can't control the feelings that come up. I can't make it not sting. I can't make myself not care what my family members say or do. In the end, I can only kick myself for thinking things will be different this time. Ultimately, I know matter how much hope springs eternal.
I am pâté, thankyouverymuch.
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